My name is Tonny Larsen.

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It's me in the middle. 1963
As you can see I'm very interested in VW Barndoors.

How I got started? That's a good question. But I was looking for a car, and I wanted something special. One day I found a 1952 Beetle, so I guess that was where it all began.

Or maybe it is because my Father had VW's as I was growing up. Who knows
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My Father and his VW
Even as a child I had a weakness for photographing cars.
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1960 at grannys 
Once again my fathers 1954 pick-up.
Me and granny outside her house in 1960.
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My family and I 1997 
This is a picture from our vacation on Bornholm 1997.

Bornholm is a small island, and the only place in Denmark where there is rocks, and it´s also here you can find the only waterfall in Denmark. It´s by the way very small, about 20meter high.

Foreground left:  my son Gert and behind him my other son Jan.
Foreground rights:  my self and behind me my wife Mary-Ann.
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Home sweet home 
My house where I have been living for 20 years.
From our house to the beach there is only 1,5 km. witch is very nice in the summer, but awfully cold in the winter, but we like it here.

Lupo3L 2004
My Lupo3L bought in October 2004.

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